
2022-11-15| 编辑: 佚名| 查看: 244 |原作者: 叶清衣|来自: 衙媒网

今天给大家介绍的是外贸函电询盘范文(精选二十篇),外贸函电询盘范文(精选二十篇)的详细内容:外贸函电询盘范文(篇一)DearMs.Smith,thankyouforyourinquiryaboutourof ...



Dear Ms. Smith, thank you for your inquiry about our office furniture in October. We enclose our latest catalogue and price list.

We hope you will be interested. If you need more details, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your letter of March asking for office stationery.

The enclosed catalogue contains all the details of our product range In most cases, we can supply the goods you need within ten days. We are looking forward to receiving your sincere order.


亲爱的史密斯女士, 感谢您10月份对我们办公家具的询盘, 随函附上我们最新的产品目录和价目表, 希望您能感兴趣, 如果您需要更多的细节, 请随时与我们联系您真诚的布莱克先生, 感谢您3月份的来信, 询问办公文具随函附上的目录包含了我们产品范围的全部细节, 在大多数情况下, 我们能在十天内供应你方所需的货物, 我们期待着收到你方真诚的订单。


Dear X,

We appreciated your purchase from us.

However, we noticed you that h**en’t made the payment yet.

This is a friendly reminder to you to complete the payment transaction as soon as possible. Instant payments are very important; the earlier you pay, the sooner you will get the item.

If you have any problems making the payment, or if you don’t want to go through with the order, please let us know. We can help you to resolve the payment problems or cancel the order.

Thanks again!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,

(Your name)


很感谢邓经理在最初应聘的时候, 相信并选择我作为**篷房外贸业务人员当中的一员, 同时尽心地安排小组组长小平一直以来监督和教导我的外贸之路。同样也很感谢在取得成绩时的点播, 在没有成绩时的鼓励。

很感谢我的小组组长小平和其他同事, 不论是在生活当中还是在工作当中, 都给与了我很多实实在在的帮助和指导。让我能一步一步积累更多的经验, 增长自己的见识。

同时也很感谢自己在20XX年最初的时候, 有勇气去换一个行业, 勇敢地选择了篷房行业, 并坚持了下来。那时候对公司的了解并不多, 对行业未来的前景也没有清晰的认识, 但感谢自己愿意尝试并且没有半途而废。

回顾自己来**的日子, 不长不短居然快一年了, 在**的日子很有意义, 是我重新开始一个行业的孕育地。

来到**的时候, 我对现在所在的行业完全没有认识。甚至当初来应聘的时候, 都没仔细看过公司到底是做什么的。我当时想的是, 以最低的姿态, 在一个值得学习和投入的工作环境, 历练自己。选择**, 给了我很多学习机会, 几乎所有的东西都是重新开始学习的。包括基本的表格制作, 再到图像处理, 邮件处理, 电话沟通以及面对面接待客人。

在我内心深处, 一直相信“有志者, 事竟成”, “天道酬勤”, 虽然我的起步晚了点, 但因为年轻, 应该是可以追上前辈们的。但也因为年轻, 言行显得很不稳重。

的确, 这是我需要学习的地方。

刚开始做外贸, 可能是一种兴奋刺激的感觉, 当但激情热情被日复一日的邮件询盘和繁琐之事替代时, 我们再坚持下去的时候, 如果还没有成绩, 那时就更需要一种精神信仰, 无关乎薪资, 因为毕竟谁都知道, 做业务, 没有销量, 就是穷光蛋。

刚开始的时候, 没想过要快速的就拿单, 毕竟那很不现实, 对产品对外贸一窍不通没有任何实际经验就想出成绩简直就是一种空想。

那时每天上班的时候, 我会给自己列好工作日程, 确定紧急重要顺序, 忙完这些规定的事项后, 我会抽出一部分时间提前学习一些外贸知识, 包括业务以及回复邮件方面。

记得刚开始回邮件的时候, 我的心情是小心翼翼的, 很怕犯错, 可能与我的完美主义个性有些关系。所以一封邮件都要思考半天, 不管是回邮件的内容还是表达方式。一句话, 不敢下手。后来幸亏在福步等外贸论坛里面, 学习了很多回复邮件和处理询盘的知识, 再加上不断更新产品之后, 询盘多了, 锻炼的机会就多了, 也就形成了自己的处理询盘的思路。

第一个单拿的是幸运, 那时候刚出了一次意外, 在养伤过程中, 接下了第一个单。也是这个单, 给了我很多勇气。让我相信努力会有收获。

过了试用期之后, 之前那种激情和热情就慢慢的消失跆尽了, 我需要我的信仰来支持我。

“开始源于相信, 过程在于改变, 结果在于坚持。”就是我的信仰。

我从来不相信, 有谁可以随随便便的成功, 毕竟不是所有人也不是每次都有那样的好运气。

坚持我现在的行业, 在我不断地填充自己的过程中, 我唯一能做的就是等待了。

客人不是一下就有的, 询盘不是一下子就都到你的邮箱里的, 价格不是每次都是你的让客人满意, 不是每个客人都注重质量和服务的。那唯一能做的, 就是不断地行动以及耐心等待结果。

在过了试用期很长一段时间里询盘不是很多, 我找了很多事情做, 集中之一就包括增加产品曝光带来询盘, 那么首先得熟悉产品。熟悉产品, 不仅是了解自己的产品, 也包括同行的产品, 而我重点放在国外同行也可以说是潜在客户的身上。

其实, 做外贸也是一种心态的转变, 之前我是个急性子, 很多事情希望能够以最快最有效率的方式解决, 所以往往给人浮躁的感觉。慢慢的现在性子稍微稳下来点, 因为有些事情, 不是你急着完成结果就能如你愿, 例如, 你希望客人尽快下单。

10月份的时候曾打算请假休息一段时间, 但最终放弃了这个打算, 那时候的事情, 让我认清了自己的处境, 女儿也应当自立自强。所以当静下心来, 再次投入到工作当中的时候, 自己有种突然觉悟的感觉。后来再处理询盘和邮件的时候, 竟是反应快了很多, 思路也明朗了很多。我想这是因祸得福吧。

yusuf是我今年最大的一个客户, 期间一直没有断过联系, 其实我们很少谈工作, 每次寒暄一下, 问候一下。我后来想想为什么他迟迟没有打款, 可能他也在花时间考验我和我们公司。就像我在怀疑他是骗子一样。我一直记得一个外贸前辈说, 你得经常在你客户的面前飘过。我想我就是这样一直在他面前飘来飘去没有太强的目的性, 让他产生了信赖。他的订单, 就是对我耐性的考验和服务的认可。后来的接待工作, 让我对自己的口语也自信了不少, 很感谢小平的陪伴和帮忙, 以及之前有机会在她身边学习了很多次。

虽然现在我在外贸在篷房这个行业还是半个内行人, 身上也有很多的不足, 但是我相信, 时间能够证明一切, 我相信只要用心学习, 踏踏实实的, 就一定会有更大的成绩。




询盘(询价)的概念询盘又称询价, 是指交易的一方为购买或出售某种商品, 向对方口头或书面发出的探询交易条件的过程。

其内容可繁可简, 可只询问价格, 也可询问其他有关的交易条件。

询盘对买卖双方均无约束力, 接受询盘的一方可给予答复, 亦可不做回答。

但作为交易磋商的起点, 商业习惯上, 收到询盘的一方应迅速作出答复。





在实际业务中, 询盘一般多由买方向卖方发出。

①对多数大路货商品, 应同时向不同地区、国家和厂商分别询盘, 以了解国际市场行情, 争取最佳贸易条件

②对规格复杂或项目繁多的商品, 不仅要询问价格, 而且要求对方告之详细规格、数量等, 以免往返磋商、浪费时间。

询盘对发出人虽无法律约束力, 但要尽量避免询盘而无购买诚意的做法, 否则容易丧失信誉。

④对垄断性较强的商品, 应提出较多品种, 要求对方一一报价, 以防对方趁机抬价。



卖方对国外客户发出询盘大多是在市场处于动荡变化及供求关系反常的情况下, 探听市场虚实、选择成交时机, 主动寻找有利的交易条件。


Dear Ms/Ms XX

Re XX products, we have quoted you FOB/CIF/ price by e-mail after Canton Fair on Oct 24, 2016. But for a long time, you haven't replied us. So we sent two e-mail to you asking for your comments on Nov 9 and Nov 21, 2016. But still no reply. Now I 'd like to know whether you still interested in this item.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Dear X,

Sorry for my late reply,i discuss with our boss for a long time, but regarding the price,it is near our bottom line,you know the market is changing everyday,and it is hard to cut more on cost as we need the products with best quality.

But we treasure our first cooperation,so we allow you a 2%discount,this is the best i can do for you.

I hope that if you have the will to cooperate,pls don’t just focus on the price,the most important is the quality,i think.

If you any comments ,pls let me know.

Thanks and regards



Dear x,

Thank you for your interests in my item.

I am sorry but we can’t offer you that low price you asked for.

We feel that the price listed is reasonable and has been carefully calculated and leaves me limited profit already.

However, we’d like to offer you some discounts on bulk purchases.

If your order is more than X pieces, we will give you a discount of xx% off.

Please let me know for any further questions. Thanks.




Dear X,

Hope you still remember me,i sent you quotation for XX(products)on XX(date), well maybe you are very busy ,and i understand.

I review your websit very carefully, and have much interests to make a start for our cooperation,to provide the best special service.

Could you give me some advice so that we can do better.


Dear X,

We appreciate your order from us. You have chosen one of the bestselling products in our store. It’s very popular for its good quality and competitive price. Right now, we only have X lots of the X colors left. We would like to inform you that this product has a high risk of selling out soon.

We noticed that you hadn’t finished the payment process for the order. We’d like to offer you a 10% discount on your order, if you purchase now, to ensure that the product doesn’t sell out. We will ship your order within 24 hours once your payment is confirmed. If you need any help or have any questions, please let us know.

Best Regards,

(your name)

PS: We are one of the biggest suppliers on . With more than 3 years’ experience in world trade,we are able to provide the best prices, the highest quality and the superior service. We inspect our products before shipping them out and provide a 1 year warranty for all products. We promise to give you a full refund if the products are not as described.

If you have any questions, please contact us; we are happy to help you.


Dear sirs,

I'm very pleased to inform you that we are interested in your product since there is a strong demand for(填产品名称),and we know that you are a leading exporter of shall be obliged if you will provide us your best quotations and time of delevery together with an illustrated forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,





我是今年6月份毕业的, 刚迈出校门就直接来到了深圳。出校门之前我还在迷茫, 不知道要做什么工作, 也没有给自己找到一个明确的定位。我知道自己不是那种安贫乐道的, 我要给自己顶下目标, 并且努力奋斗。因为在毕业之前, 我也做过两份工作, 一份是导购, 一份是商务接待, 由于各种原因没能继续坚持做下去。

直到9月份24日我有幸进入新起点这个大家庭, 在公司领导和同事的帮助下, 我在认识产品、熟悉产品、推广产品各方面的知识上有了很大的提高。在这里我要感谢我的领导和同事们对我的点滴帮助。

初入外贸销售这个行业, 我除了在学校里所学的外贸英语知识和国际贸易知识, 缺乏实际经验, 对于阿里巴巴国际推广平台的操作一点也不清楚。首先第一件事, 我就是要熟悉公司产品。因为公司人不多, 初来乍到, 怀揣着梦想的激情全心的投入学习中。公司的产品目


在逐渐接触国际贸易的过程中, 我通过阿里巴巴平台免费版, 收到了很多客户的订单(阿里巴巴的平台), 可惜都是批量小的一些样品单, 最终因为因现实支付方式不能通过支付宝而告终。在10月伊始, 经过半个月的产品熟悉, 询盘回复, 终于有位瑞典客户接收我们的付款方式, 转账成功。第一笔外贸订单成了, 虽然只是一个小订单, 缺从中学会了很多。接收款项后, 随后跟单, 让生产安排生产并联系国际货运快递。

在国际快递方面第一次接触了dhl/ups/fedex, 其间还是出现一点小插曲, 联系货运后, 货物到香港了, 快递公司说是地区偏远要加偏远费。因小订单, dhl运费算得过于精确, 导致货物退回来, 重新找了一个货运公司, 改走fedex。这样耽误了几天的货期。不过经过

这次的教训, 明白了算运费的时候要按值计算, 宁愿多收一点, 联系快递的时候要货代把地址查下是不是偏远地区。


10月中旬, 公司参与了广州第xx届国际采购博览会, 展会上的客户基本上都是国外的。其间因展会上同行较少, 参与竞争的不是很多, 这又是我们该发挥的时候了。几个同事都在给公司产品做宣传, 发名片, 发资料, 尽量吸引更多的客户来看我们的展厅。与外国客户交流又成了一门技巧, 要吸引有意向的客户, 要让没有意向的客户接触和了解我们这一产品, 归根结底说白了就是来者绝不放过。与外国客户的交流中, 也学到了如何向客户介绍我们的产品, 如何讲解剖析产品优势。一个展会办下来, 临时出售了小批量产品, 收到了很多外国客户的名片, 也发了一些自己的名片, 希望将来可以联系一些有意向的客户。

展会过后, 就是分析名片, 收发邮件了。有经验的同事, 接到名片及时判断客户意向, 联系了客户上门看厂。也做了一笔数量的订单。其间, 我学会了要认真判断客户意向, 了解客户需求, 才能做到有求有应。


把展会上的名片整理, 分析, 回忆一遍, 把有意向的, 一个一个都发邮件进行问候。在发邮件之前, 产品定价又是一项很重要的事。既然是工厂, 产品价格就有一定的优势。凭这个优势, 价格是没有很大的问题。其次就是价格得详细程度, 其间涉及moq, fob等各方面, 这就是考验产品熟悉程度了, 报价单的一目了然也很重要。要明确自己的产品报价与市场行情差价, 及如何以达到报价的正确性, 让客户查到公司知道公司的主要经营产品及及产品优势与核心竞争力。

所以小小的一份报价表, 看似简单, 实则要经过仔细和认真的推敲。报价应报得恰如其分, 不能过低, 也不能过高;好东西不能贱卖, 普通的产品不要报高。因为客户往往会从你的报价来判断你的诚实性, 并同时判断你对产品的熟悉程度;如果一个非常简单普通的产品你报一个远离市场的价位, 甚至几天都报不出来, 这说明你的诚实性不够, 你根本不懂这一行, 自然而然客人不会对你再理会。

但是呢, 一连几百份邮件发出去, 没有几个人回应, 石沉大海, 让人觉得心灰意冷的。但是, 不能放弃, 就得自身找找原因了。可能价格没有设置好, 图片不够吸引眼球, 产品信息没有详细……等一大堆的问题, 一个一个分析, 解决。


11月份开始接触阿里巴巴会员版的业务子账号, 发布产品信息, 提高产品曝光率, 进而增加询盘的机会。发布产品信息又是一项繁杂的工作。首先, 每一个产品的标题不能雷同, 图片必须清晰。其次, 最重要的是关键词要选好, 而且要选关键词排名靠前的, 这样才能提

高产品的搜索度。关键词的设置可以三个雷同, 可以5种以上产品竞争一个关键词, 尽量想办法提高曝光率。最后就是产品信息的匹配了, 有头有尾必不可少, 不能牛头马嘴, 也不能张冠李戴。不同的产品要匹配相应的信息。发布了一千多条产品信息, 询盘也相应上升了, 在线咨询的客户也多了起来。

买家总会货比三家, 一个询盘他会发给很多的供应商, 因而买家远是专业的。作为外贸工厂最主要的优势是能提供厂家直销价, 和产品质量的监督。因而定价要定的合理, 才能赢取更多的客户。

但, 在公司提供客户需求信息资源这一块中, 也屡次没有取得好的成绩, 错过了很多展会客户资源, 主要是因为自己不会跟进客户, 不知道怎么样来跟进, 在这点我以后会好好学习, 耐心地请教。在平时的各项工作中精耕细作, 紧跟所有客户资源, 及时掌握客户的需求, 作出相应的计划和工作。在今后的工作中, 争取把握分析、处理好各项工作中, 加强同客户的交流、沟通。知己知彼, 方能百战不殆, 了解他们的需求, 能够准确地处理好, 来羸得客户。


前段时间因为报价失误, 和客户理解的不一样, 导致公司流失了一个客户。客户要的是模组, 我就按我们常规的报价, 一个模组报给他。等客户寄来样品, 要我报价, 他的样品是两个模组一套的。我却没有理解好, 还是按一个模组的价格报了出去。其间几天也没有沟通

好, 相互间理解不当。直到客户过来签合同才弄明白报价严重失误了, 这一点, 我觉得自己太大意了。工作时需要细心的, 能想到的要尽量想到, 不懂的地方一定要问。三个臭皮匠顶的上一个诸葛亮, 这是个真理。提出来就总会找到解决的办法的。


1、“努力不一定成功, 放弃一定失败”是篮球运动员姚明曾经说过的一句话, 用这句话在时刻提醒、鞭策着自己。在公司的这段时间让我意识到, 一名合格的外贸业务员, 要从基础做起, 筑稳根部, 不眼高手低, 不心浮气躁, 虚心求教, 耐心学习。

2、专业的学习, 要进行实际结合。要熟悉专业的外贸术语, 特别是led行业, 要抓住客户的需求, 给予客户相应的服务。与客户交流要有针对性。

3、要尽心尽责的做好本职工作。要做好手头的工作, 专心工作, 做好与客户的交流和联系, 不懂得地方要耐心请教。


怀疑、抱怨、无所谓、思想上的懒惰这些态度对工作是致命的。认识到工作是自己的事便不会有懒惰的思想。要长期坚持下来, 不放弃, 失败乃是成功之母。


辞旧迎新, 展望20xx年。新的一年已经开始, 紧张而又忙碌的工作拉开了进程, 明确公司的目标、计划。计划好自己的工作和个人目标。本人将更认真工作, 刻苦学习业务知识, 提高自身的能力来努力完成公司的销售任务和目标, 同时希望公司和个人再上一个新的台阶, 坚持下去, 好好奋斗!

以后的路还要怎么走, 我也不知道, 但是我知道, 只要自己不断的努力, 那么迎来的就一定是很好的前景, 所以我只有自己不断的努力了, 因为自己是要生活的。生活和工作中有很多的事情来做, 需要不断的努力。

以上是我的年度个人工作总结, 请领导给予指正。


I would like to confirm our appointment to discuss the possibility of merging our distribution networks. I am excited of the prospect ofexpanding our trade. As agreed, We will meet of our office in bond street at Monday 20 March. I have scheduled the whole day for the meeting. If for any reason you are unable to attend , please phone me so that we can make alternative arrangements. Please let me know if you would like our office to arrange hotel accommodation. I look forward with great pleasure to our meeting.




Dear Mr. Li,

Your firm has been recommended 1 to us by the Dickson Electrics Company, with whom we have done business for many years.

We are interested in your Electric Typewriters for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue 2 and current price list.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Block


A Reply

Dear Ms Block,

We welcome you for your enquiry of Fed. 1 and thank you for your interest in our commodities. We are enclosing 3 some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you asked for.

We trust that you will agree that our products and price appeal to 4 the most selective buyer. And we also allow a proper discount 5 according to the quantity ordered.

Thank you again for your interest in our products. We are looking forward to your order and you may be assured 6 that it will receive our prompt and careful attention.

Yours truly


Dear Mr. Lu,

We have noticed from your advertisement 1 in 2 that you export large quantities of cushions 3 to European market.

Being specialized in this line for a long time, we are well connected with 4 many customers in our country. At present, we are interested in back cushion fine in quality and low in price. It will be highly appreciated if you could send us some brochures and samples for our reference and quote 5 your lowest price on CIF basis including our 3% commission 6 .

Should your goods prove satisfactory and price be found competitive 7 , you may expect substantial 8 orders from us.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully

A Reply

Dear Mr. Bean,

We warmly welcome your enquiry of April 4 and thank you for your interest in our cushions.

We are enclosing samples and price list of back cushions giving the details you asked for. We feel confident that you will find the goods both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.

Best regards,

Yours sincerely



With the development of the Internet, online shopping is more like the "signboard" as the saying goes. A coin has two sides. Most people like to buy what they want online.

They think it is convenient. They don't have to waste a lot of energy and precious time from one store to another. They can choose what they like in the saved time.

They can do what they like by themselves Things, there are many kinds of goods. However, on the Internet, other people are on the contrary. They think they can't see the goods or try them on themselves.

They don't know that the real goods may be different from what they see on the computer. This is not safe. Once you cheat, you will find that you have no place to complain.



Dear sir,

Did you receive our quotation on Apr 12th?and no reply from was waiting until all the colleagues left the office. May be you are very busy.

So pls can you take some time to give me a reply?and kindly give me some advice on XX(products)

Look forward your reply

Thanks and regards.




Thank you for your fax of January 17. We are very sorry to learn that the secretary made according to the above order.

Cathay Pacific Airways released 9000 ballpoint pens this morning. You have received the documents. We are very grateful for their convenience and the first two mistakes and apologies. We can ensure that all impacts occur to ensure that similar errors are not affected by hurricanes.




enquiryn.询盘, 询购

.报价, 报盘

.订购, 订单





facsimile(fax).传真, 发传真







tracev.跟踪, 查询



balancen.收付差额, 余额





firmn.公司, 商号













fashionablea.流行的, 时髦的




elegancen.优美, 雅致

coupletogether使联结, 使成对

superba.极好的, 一流的



discriminatinga.有识别力的, 敏锐的

representativen.代表, 代理




informv.通知, 告知


appreciatev.感激, 感谢

rushv.赶紧(做), 抓紧(做)









Dear Mr. Li,

Your firm has been recommended 1 to us by the Dickson Electrics Company, with whom we have done business for many years.

We are interested in your Electric Typewriters for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue 2 and current price list.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Block


A Reply

Dear Ms Block,

We welcome you for your enquiry of Fed. 1 and thank you for your interest in our commodities. We are enclosing 3 some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you asked for.

…… …… 余下全文


Dear X,

Tank you for your inquiry.

Yes, we have this item in stock. How many do you want? Right now, we only have X lots of the X color left. Since they are very popular, the product has a high risk of selling out soon. Please place your order as soon as possible. Thank you!

Best regards,



Dear Mr/Ms XX

Re the XX products, I have e-mail the FOB QINGAO price to you dd XX . And asked for your comments on XX. But still no reply . Have you received it? Please review it and let me know your comments. If any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us, We shall be pleased to be of service to you at all times.

Thanks in advance for your quick reply!



Dear **

Nice to meet you .

Thank you for the favor of our products .At the same time .We would very much like to work with you to establish long-term friendly relations of cooperation . I am sale director of santong plastic Supply name is have 8 years experience plastic bottle and box . I think we could get your mind.

Our business model is both whole sale and retail. So that we will accept the DIY style or Own Style form the MOW is 1 piece as retail price .

…… …… 余下全文


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